Thursday, 4 August 2011

Stock transport order (plant to plant) issues

Hello AFS community,

our very first discussion was touching this subject already and the
outcome was already quite helpful for me: PIR consumption by STO is
possible in SAP standard, but not in AFS. In general, it is feasible,
custom development would be required.

However, there are a few more open topics about STOs on an AFS system:
1) ARUN: As far as I know STOs are not taken into account by ARUN.
Do you face any issues with this limitation? If yes, how to you deal
with it? Any workaround?

2) ATP: I was told that the ATP result at the issuiing plant is not
correct as the demand caused by the STO is not taken into account.
Honestly, I haven't tested this yet. Could any one tell me how it
should work? When will the demand considered by ATP? Do I have to
create the DN first or even post the GI? Perhaps my ATP checking rules
are not correct... What needs to be set to consider demand by STP?
Please excuse, I am not an ATP expert.

3) We are not using vendors and records for this scenario.
Therefore, I struggle with the following 2 items:
a) Planned delivery time at PR item is taken from material master and
contains the default value for ext. procurement. Consequently, this
value is wrong for STO PRs and needs to be corrected afterwards. In
the meantime, I found BADI MD_EXT_SUP, method GET_PLIFZ. Has any one
experience with this BADI in the AFS context, would it serve my needs?
b) The confirmation control key at PO item level cannot be defaulted
for STOs with supplying plant and no vendor/info record. Is any one
aware of a BADI etc. to overcome this limitation?
Any feedback is highly appreciated!

In advance: Many thanks for your feedback!

Kind regards,
Klaus Leisgang


AFS-User-Network said...

Hi Klaus,

1. no there is no workaround, except some customer coding.
STO have their own logic.

2. there are requirements in issuing plant and if you have set up your
ATP correctly it will be considered.

3. This BADI is not usable in AFS context as it affects only non AFS-
MRP run.



Unknown said...

Hi Klaus,

On a theory Level
1) You can base your ARun requirement selection based on ATP confirmed quantities. Thus STOs will be in sync.
2) Demand is considered by ATP while ATP is run and saved in ME21N for STOs. That would be sufficient. if unconfirmed, Me21N ATP trigger must be redone.
GI/DN will take off the requirement and happen at later stage to be helpful.
3) I will check and let you know.


Anonymous said...

Did you ever get a final answer for (2) the detailed settings required to make sure that STOs show up (are deducted as requirements/demand) in /AFS/ATPS of the supplying plant ?

We have the same issue just now after going live with STO functionality in our AFS environment.


Anonymous said...

please refer to the previous comments. Crucial is that you perform ATP for your STO item within ME21/2N. Only then the qty. will be stored as "reserved qty." and consequently treated as demand at the next ATP check. Note: I still see a functional gap here as you need to touch each STO once more if it has been created in background.